Two important examples are constructed to show that an irredundant form probably is not a minimal form, and two definitions of essential fuzzy prime implicant are not equivalent. 结果表明,非冗余形式可能不是极小形式,关于本质模糊素蕴涵的两个定义是不等价的。
In minimizing a boolean function using the extraction method, the traditional steps are: getting the prime cover Z first; and then extracting the essential prime implicant from Z. 用精选法求布尔函数的最小化解时,传统的作法是先求出质覆盖Z,然后从Z中挑选必要质蕴涵项。
An Algorithm E for Determining Essential Prime Implicant 一个判别必要质蕴涵项的E算法
The problem of minimization of fuzzy switching functions is researched thoroughly, the relations among minimal forms, irredundant forms and prime forms are discussed, some properties of essential fuzzy prime implicant are given out. 研究了模糊开关函数的极小化问题,讨论了极小形式、非冗余形式和素形式的相互关系,给出了本质模糊素蕴涵的一些性质,构造了两个重要的例子。